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22 June 2020 - 26 June 2020

Virginie Vinel Kolovos MCIM 

Strategic Business Transformation & Innovation Coach



*book virtual meetings with me

Selling water innovation to large companies?

As an executive coach to CEOs and their leadership teams, I contribute to define or improve the business strategy with a clear set of achievable objectives to deliver growth. I coach and focus the team to deliver the expected outcomes and more importantly mobilise everyone for change.

​Public and private technology accelerators and their members benefit from 26 years' Consultant / Director experience in innovation, business transformation, business development, commercial partnerships and organisational development. During the past 3 years, 30 companies have benefited from my innovation coaching, with great return of investment.

Clients benefit from my personal startup journey, upscaling and enterprise sales experience as well as the vivid stories of other Directors. They can leverage my extensive network of contacts in the water, energy and electronics sectors to secure pilots and clients.



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    Closed since 21 June 2020
    Organised by
    Participants 157
    Meetings 203
    Spain 69
    Netherlands 59
    Belgium 55
    Italy 37
    France 31
    Portugal 21
    United Kingdom 21
    Greece 16
    Germany 13
    Finland 12
    Sweden 12
    Norway 11
    Denmark 10
    Ireland 8
    Romania 5
    Switzerland 5
    Slovenia 3
    Austria 3
    India 3
    Türkiye 3
    Israel 2
    Luxembourg 2
    United States 2
    Poland 2
    South Africa 2
    Slovakia 2
    Benin 1
    Cyprus 1
    Côte d'Ivoire 1
    Russia 1
    Ukraine 1
    Croatia 1
    Chile 1
    Japan 1
    Armenia 1
    Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
    Canada 1
    Reunion 1
    Nigeria 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Nepal 1
    Singapore 1
    Pakistan 1
    Total 426
    R&D Institution 87
    University 71
    Other 49
    Industry 43
    Association/Agency 40
    Utility 35
    SME 33
    Authority/Government 33
    Consulting 27
    Start-up / Entrepreneur 8
    Total 426
    Profile views
    Before event 5916
    After event 2573
    Total 8489