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22 June 2020 - 26 June 2020

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Water Innovation Europe 2020!


In 2050 Europe aims to be the world’s first climate-neutral continent implementing the European Green Deal: an ambitious package of measures to deeply transform our economy and society. In the meantime, the wake-up call of the COVID-19 crisis deeply reinforced this necessity for Europe to a new paradigm towards a Water-Smart Society, from crisis management to risk management and prevention in Europe and beyond.

Pollution and viruses do not stop at our boundaries and are not an issue of a single sector only. One trillion of the European budget will have to contribute to the ecological transition, particularly through emission reduction.

As water is a cross-sectoral and strategic resource, water security should be a prerequisite to make the green deal a success. We need investment in innovative solutions to achieve a Water Smart Society which fully considers the true value of water. Europe’s leadership has already demonstrated its positive impact in Europe and beyond to support green growth, find sustainable solutions and strengthen its position on the world market.

Research and innovation along the full value chain in the water sector can still go steps further:

💧 How can water enable European society to prevent crises, ensure resiliency and reboot our economy after and beyond the COVID19 crisis?

💧 How could we make sure that water efficiency gains at an individual level are translated into long-term water security in a context of climate change adaptation?
How to fuel research, technological development, and wider sectoral policy coordination to tackle urgent global water and food systems challenges?
💧 How to halt the loss of aquatic biodiversity through 2030 through inclusive models gathering the public sector, the private sector and civil society?

💧 How to move away from conventional, linear approaches to tackle water quality deterioration, towards circularity and industrial symbiosis?

    Join the WIE2020 digital edition to get answers to these questions, gain new insights, debate and discuss! 

    It’s Water Innovation Europe, afterall! 


    Visit the WIE2020 Virtual Exhibition

    Water Innovation Europe BACKGROUND

    With over 200 participants from all around Europe in every edition, Water Europe annual conference ‘Water Innovation Europe’ has grown to become the landmark event of the European water value chain every summer. The event brings together all the aspects of the sector: scientists and technology developers, utility representatives, large water users, European Public authorities, civil society organizations and finance experts. Water Innovation Europe offers an open platform for information gathering and networking among the most influential stakeholders from within and beyond the water sector.

    Water Innovation Europe Goals

    • Shape Europe’s Water Future

    You will have the unique opportunity to hear from top-notch speakers of the sector and gain new perspectives and insights that will enable you to see opportunities for the future of the water sector.

    • Connect And Collaborate With Your Peers

    Network, debate and discuss with EU-level decision makers and leading actors and companies from across the whole water value chain, through the conference’s targeted networking and extra speed dating sessions.

    • Raise Your Profile And Visibility

    Showcase your work and be part of the discussions in front of a targeted pan-European audience. You can also benefit from the conference’s exhibition corner to meet potential clients and partners or, increase your visibility by being one of WIE2020 sponsor.

    • Stay Ahead Of The Curve

    Learning about new technologies, innovations and projects will allow you to get the vibe of the current and future market trends and how you can take advantage of them.

    If you need more information regarding the event's registration process or payment settings, please contact Ms. Anca Popa, Event Coordinator.

    Closed since 21 June 2020
    Organised by
    Participants 157
    Meetings 203
    Spain 69
    Netherlands 59
    Belgium 55
    Italy 37
    France 31
    Portugal 21
    United Kingdom 21
    Greece 16
    Germany 13
    Finland 12
    Sweden 12
    Norway 11
    Denmark 10
    Ireland 8
    Romania 5
    Switzerland 5
    Slovenia 3
    Austria 3
    India 3
    Türkiye 3
    Israel 2
    Luxembourg 2
    United States 2
    Poland 2
    South Africa 2
    Slovakia 2
    Benin 1
    Cyprus 1
    Côte d'Ivoire 1
    Russia 1
    Ukraine 1
    Croatia 1
    Chile 1
    Japan 1
    Armenia 1
    Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
    Canada 1
    Reunion 1
    Nigeria 1
    Bulgaria 1
    Nepal 1
    Singapore 1
    Pakistan 1
    Total 426
    R&D Institution 87
    University 71
    Other 49
    Industry 43
    Association/Agency 40
    Utility 35
    SME 33
    Authority/Government 33
    Consulting 27
    Start-up / Entrepreneur 8
    Total 426
    Profile views
    Before event 5916
    After event 2573
    Total 8489